Nikki Benz has been in the porn game since 2002, a solid sixteen years, and even though she’s been there and done that, even winning a Penthouse Pet of the Year award, she’s still going strong.
These days might one might argue that she’s held together by more plastic than flesh but don’t let that for one second make you think that she looks like shit because it’s quite the opposite.
What I fancy about her is that she is quite clearly a slutty chick with little to n inhibitions and looser moral persuasions. I get the impression from her that she’s naturally this way, that there is very little difference between her professional life and her social life except that she gets paid to get fucked in the former.
I am convinced that she’s just completely hooked on sex. I would have said cock but I’ve seen her work a pussy with just as much vigour.
If you fancy this slapper as well as a good special then use this discount for 45% off Nikki Benz.